

March 11th 2005: 0.0.13 released

After som changes to the movement code (Wolfgang) and other various updates and fixes CivQuest 0.0.13 has been released, you can get it from the download page.

December 13th 2004: Update

Development of civquest still continues at a varying pace. Right now version 0.0.11 is out and we are quickly approaching a playable version. We hope to release the first playable version soon, which will be released as 0.1. This will of course not be a complete civ game, but will be a minimalistic game upon which we can add/finish features and test them in an actual working game. To download 0.0.11, just visit the project page.

August 3rd 2004: What's happening with CivQuest

Although it may seem that civquest development has stalled completely, this is not so. We are only a few developers (needing more) with very busy schedules and sadly not much time left over for CivQuest after school, work and/or other activities. The project is not dead though and will continue developing in small steps as we each find some time to work on it. The mailing list is definitely active, if you have and questions, ideas, code or anything related just send a mail to and I can almost guarentee a swift response.

December 19th 2003: CivQuest 0.0.2

CivQuest 0.0.2 has been released and can be found on the download page.

September 13th 2003: CivQuest 0.0.1

As work on CivQuest goes on, we're now at the stage where we felt like making a release. CivQuest 0.0.1 shows off the newly implemented unit movement. You can download the JAR files for both binary and source here. Due to bugs soon to be fixed, running the binary JAR file directly will not work -- you need to uncompress it, set your CLASSPATH to the directory to which you uncompressed it, and execute 'java civquest.swing.CivQuest'.

October 28th 2002: Isometric tiles online.

Our graphics section now shows off our new tiles for the isometric map view, painstakingly drawn by Michael Mortensen.

September 23rd 2002: Screenshots.

We now have a couple of screenshots available. Notice the exciting new isometric map view we are working on!

September 3rd 2002: More graphics online.

You can now feast your eyes on fresh road and resource tiles in the graphics section.

August 21th 2002: CivQuest graphics and API documentation now on web.

We've made available all the tile graphics from the game, as well as the javadoc API documentation. Let's see if this attracts some more graphicians and coders!

August 19th 2002: Finally, we have a web page.

CivQuest may appear pretty dead to outsiders, but that's far from being true. We were just too busy coding to do any web work. To amend these false impressions, someone said we should have a proper web page. So here it is. The contents is quite old, since it's taken from the old one (before the name change). It should see some updates sooner or later. Also, you need a decent, standards compliant browser, or the site may look daft (as in NS4.x).

Meanwhile, members of the CivQuest team is busy writing code and drawing precious artwork for the game. Since we're a relatively small team, we're always looking for contributors. So if you do Java and are into Civilization™-style games, get in touch.

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